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How to compare and change array of object value with object key in javascript

I would like to know how to compare and change the array value by object value in javascript

I have a arrobj and obj in which if arrobj value city and obj key saame the change the city vaue in arrobj,

var arrobj =[
   "id":1, "name": "xyz", "city":"IN",
   "id":2, "name": "abc", "city":"CA",
   "id":3, "name": "jon", "city":"MY",
    "id":4, "name": "om", "city":"CH",
"id":5, "name": "ken", "city":"JP",
var obj={
"CA": "Canada",
"MY": "Myanmmar",
"IN": "India"

Expected Output
   id:1, name: "xyz", city:"India",
   id:2, name: "abc", city:"Canada",
   id:3, name: "jon", city:"Myanmmar",

var arr1 = [];

var result = arrobj.map(e=>{
 return Object.keys(obj).map(i=>{


Using Array#map , you can iterate over arrobj and update city if it has a value in obj :

 const arrobj = [ { id:1, name: "xyz", city:"IN" }, { id:2, name: "abc", city:"CA" }, { id:3, name: "jon", city:"MY" }, { id:4, name: "om", city:"CH" }, { id:5, name: "ken", city:"JP" } ], obj = { "CA": "Canada", "MY": "Myanmmar", "IN": "India" }; const res = arrobj.map(({ city, ...e }) => ({ ...e, city: obj[city] || city })); console.log(res);

This might be the solution you are looking for


var arrobj =[
   {id:1, name: "xyz", city:"IN"},
   {id:2, name: "abc", city:"CA"},
   {id:3, name: "jon", city:"MY"},
   {id:4, name: "om", city:"CH"},
   {id:5, name: "ken", city:"JP"},
var obj=
"CA" : "Canada",
"MY" : "Myanmmar",
"IN" : "India"

var result = arrobj.map(e=>
    let city = e.city;
    if(typeof obj[city] !== 'undefined')
        e.city = obj[city];
    return e;


The following makes sure the original array remains unchanged and only those results are returned where the city name could be resolved:

 const arrobj =[ {id:1, name: "xyz", city:"IN"}, {id:2, name: "abc", city:"CA"}, {id:3, name: "jon", city:"MY"}, {id:4, name: "om", city:"CH"}, {id:5, name: "ken", city:"JP"}], obj={"CA": "Canada","MY": "Myanmmar","IN": "India"}; res=arrobj.reduce((a,c)=>(obj[c.city] && a.push({...c,city:obj[c.city]}),a), []); console.log(res)

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