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error - a bean of type 'package' while injecting dependency of one service into another services controller[Spring-Boot]

I have a jar library where one service declaration looks like this

public class ABC {

Now I have imported this jar file using maven pom.xml in different service and where my code looks like this

    import a.b.ABC

    public class xyz {
    private ABC abcd;

When compiling with mvn clean install, this is the error, I am getting

{"json_mssg": {"date": "21-07-2021 20:29:06.653", "thread": "main", "level": "ERROR", "log": " newline____newlinenewline__APPLICATION FAILED TO START__newline __newline____newline__Description:__newline____newline__Field abcd in xyzxxController required a bean of type 'abABC' that could not be found.__newline____newline__The injection point has the following annotations: newline - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)__newline____newline____newline__Action:__newline____newline__Consider defining a bean of type 'glance.content.server.beacon.BeaconFactory' in your configuration. newline ", "logger": "org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter", "method": "report", "ex": ""}}

How can I initialise the object or how can I use the object of ABC here ?? I am very new to spring and java.

在您的 SpringBootApplication 类上使用 @Import(ABC.class) 或在您初始化和配置 ABC 类的地方创建 bean (@Configuration+@Bean)

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