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Type '{ }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & {}'

I'm doing the PluralSight intro course on React, and one of the projects in the course involves building a web UI that allows the user to enter a GitHub username, and the app will add the corresponding GitHub profile photo to a list of profiles on the app.

The courses writes everything in standard js, but I am trying to use TypeScript because its what my company uses. I am running into an issue where I want to pass a setState (hook) function reference as a prop to a child component.

Here is the code in the parent component:

function App() {
  const classes = useStyles();
  const [profiles, setProfiles] = React.useState<GitHubData[]>([]);     // **** HOOK HERE

  return (
      <Typography variant="h3" className={classes.title}>The Github Cards App</Typography>
      <Divider />
      <Form onSubmit={setProfiles} />          // **** ISSUE IS HERE ****
      <CardList profiles={profiles} />

I'm using a bunch of material-UI stuff, but the important piece is the <Form onSubmit={setProfiles} /> , which is the function reference that is giving me the error (specified in title).

For more context, here are the relevant interfaces and component definitions:

interface GitHubData {
  name: string,
  avatar_url: string,
  company: string,
  location?: string

interface updaterFunction {
  updateProfiles: Dispatch<SetStateAction<GitHubData>>       // From suggestions online
  updateProfiles: (newProfile: GitHubData) => void           // (What I hoped would work)

const Form = (props: updaterFunction) => { ... }

The full error is as follows:

Type '{ onSubmit: Dispatch<SetStateAction<GitHubData[]>>; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & updaterFunction'.

Property 'onSubmit' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & updaterFunction'

What can I do to get rid of it? I've seen a bunch of similar errors online, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for me. Thanks for helping!!

Looks like the problem is that your interface should use the onSubmit key instead of updateProfiles :

interface updaterFunction {
  onSubmit: ...  // try with the options you mentioned

That's what the second line seems to indicate in your error message.

By the way, it would make sense to rename your interface to something like FormProps here.

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