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Calculating Time Complexity of recursive function with iteration

I am trying to understand the time complexity for this code which calculates IP addresses given a string by splitting the string into 4 parts. Each part is separated by a period ie .

public List<String> restoreIpAddresses(String s, int parts) {

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    if (parts == 1) {
        if (isValidPart(s)) result.add(s);
        return result;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        String first = s.substring(0, i);
        if (!isValidPart(first)) {
        List<String> previous = restoreIpAddresses(s.substring(i, s.length()), parts - 1);
        for (String str: previous) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            result.add(first + "." + str);
    return result;

private boolean isValidPart(String part) {
    if ( (part.length() > 1 && part.startsWith("0")) || 
         (part.length() > 3) || (part.length() == 0)
         (Integer.valueOf(part) > 255) ) return false;
      return true;

Since the for loop is O(n) , n being the length of the string, and in each iteration the for loop executes for the substring that was passed in the parent for loop, so O(n - 1) . So by this logic, the time complexity should be n(n-1)(n-2) ....1 ie n! in the worst case, right?

However if I look around (eg. here or here ), I see people posting constant time complexity. I am unable to understand. Can someone help me break it down?

Consider this for generating the IP adresses from above algorithm we have two constraints.

  1. Valid IP is from 0->255. This can be evaluated in constant time.
  2. There will be 4 octets. So the question string should be divided into 4 parts.

Now consider a string 111 111 111 111 of length 12

  1. How many way can you form the first octet? => minimum 1 , maximum 3 ways out of 12 characters. complexity:- O(3)

  2. How many way can you form the second octet? => minimum 0 maximum 3 ways out of 9 character, considering 3 characters are used by first octet. complexity:- O(3)

  3. How many way can you form the third octet? => minimum 0 maximum 3 ways from 6 character, considering 6 characters are used by first and second octet. complexity:- O(3)

  4. How many way can you form the fourth octet with the remaining characters? => There is only one way to form an octet from the remaining 3 characters. considering 9 characters are used by the first, second, and third octet. O(1)

Time complexity Calculation.

Time Complexity = product of complexities of each recursive function
                = O(3)*O(3)*O(3)*O(1)
                = 3*O(3) = O(1) = [constant-time] complexity

So no matter what string you will give as an input all the valid IP addresses can be counted in 27 iterations. Therefore this algorithm is a constant time O(1) .

Considering the above understanding the code can be re-written following way

public static List<String> restoreIpAddresses(String s, int position, int parts) {

        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        // O(1) time complexity
        if (parts == 1) {
            if (position < s.length() && isValidPart(s.substring(position))) {
            return result;

        // Iterate only thrice in each recursive function. O(3) time complexity
        for (int i = position; i <= position + 3; i++) {
            if (i > s.length()) {

            String first = s.substring(position, i);
            if (!isValidPart(first)) {

            List<String> previous = restoreIpAddresses(s, i , parts - 1);

            for (String str : previous) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                result.add(first + "." + str);

        return result;


Note that the above algorithm is one examples of classic backtracking problems . From wiki.

Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding solutions to some computational problems, notably constraint satisfaction problems, that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons a candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution

PS:- The example 111 111 111 111 is an extreme example and there is only one valid IP address that can be formed from this string. However, the loop/recursion evaluation will happen a maximum of 81 times.

Given n , the length of input string and i , the number of parts. the time-complexity of the code is obtained by below formula:


The formula is recursive because the code is recursive. On the right hand side, the second Sigma denotes the time-complexity of each for-loop (substring).Moreover, by solving the latter sigma like below:


we reach to this equation:


Consider we are at Level-0 and we move to Level-1 . Therefore, the equation turns to:


Approximately we have (see this link for more info):


The equation turns to:


if we move at next level which is Level-2 (I just write Simplicable part):


the equation turns to:


with the help of mathematical induction we can say:


my assumptions and formulations may be wrong. However, I enjoy playing with math.

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