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Boost.Asio async_write and strands

I 'm using a strand to avoid concurrent writes on TCP server using Boost.Asio . But it seems it only prevents concurrent execution of handlers.

Indeed if I do two successive async_write , one with a very big packet, and the other with a very small one, wireshark shows interleaves. As async_write is composed of multiple calls of async_write_some , it seems that the handler of my second write is allowed to be executed between two handlers of the first call. Which is very bad for me.

Wireshark output : [Packet 1.1] [Packet 1.2] [ Packet 2 ] [Packet 1.3] ... [Packet 1.x]

struct Command
    // Header
    uint64_t ticket_id; // UUID
    uint32_t data_size; // size of data

    // data
    std::vector<unsigned char> m_internal_buffer;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Command> command_type;
void tcp_server::write(command_type cmd)
    boost::asio::async_write(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(cmd->getData(), cmd->getTotalPacketSize()),
            [this, cmd](const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
                if (error)
                   // report

and the main:

int main()
    tcp_server.write(big_packet); // Packet 1 = 10 MBytes !
    tcp_server.write(small_packet); // Packet 2 = 64 kbytes

Is the strand not appropriate in my case ?

PS: I saw that close topic here but it does not cover the same use case in my opinion.

You have to make sure your async operation is initiated from the strand. Your code currently doesn't show this to be the case. Hopefully this helps, otherwise, post a MCVE

So eg

void tcp_server::write(command_type cmd)
    post(m_write_strand, [this, cmd] { this->do_write(cmd); });

Making up a MCVE from your question code:

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using Executor = boost::asio::thread_pool::executor_type;

struct command {
    char const* getData()            const { return ""; }
    size_t      getTotalPacketSize() const { return 1;  }
using command_type = command*;

struct tcp_server {
    tcp_server(Executor ex) : m_socket(ex), m_write_strand(ex)
        // more?
    void write(command_type cmd);
    void do_write(command_type cmd);

    tcp::socket m_socket;
    boost::asio::strand<Executor> m_write_strand;

void tcp_server::write(command_type cmd)
    post(m_write_strand, [this, cmd] { this->do_write(cmd); });

void tcp_server::do_write(command_type cmd)
        boost::asio::buffer(cmd->getData(), cmd->getTotalPacketSize()),
                      [/*this, cmd*/](boost::system::error_code error,
                                      size_t bytes_transferred) {
                          if (error) {
                              // report

int main() {
    boost::asio::thread_pool ioc;
    tcp_server tcp_server(ioc.get_executor());

    command_type big_packet{}, small_packet{};
    tcp_server.write(big_packet);   // Packet 1 = 10 MBytes !
    tcp_server.write(small_packet); // Packet 2 = 64 kbytes


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