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spring-cloud-contract-verifier cleanup messages in camel kafka topics

During contract test I run main FLOW , which produces 2 events into different kafka topics ( TOPIC_1 and TOPIC_2 ). And I have two different tests to check sending of this events ( TEST_1 for TOPIC_1 and TEST_2 for TOPIC_2 ). So both TEST_1 and TEST_2 runs the same FLOW , and for TEST_1 I have side effect of sending event into TOPIC_2 , and for TEST_2 - TOPIC_1 . Consider example, where I run TEST_1 and then TEST_2 . During TEST_2 I will have 2 events inside TOPIC_2 - one produced by TEST_1 and the second produced by TEST_2 . And of course, my TEST_2 will fail, because during the verification it supposes to receive message, produced by himself, nothing else.

So, that's why I need to skip all old messages in all topics before each test. How does it possible to do with usage of org.springframework.cloud.contract.verifier.messaging.internal.ContractVerifierMessaging

I found out a solution where I poll all messages from each endpoint inside CamelContext

private org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext;

public void cleanUpCamelEndpoints() {
    for (Endpoint endpoint : camelContext.getEndpoints()) {
        try {
            PollingConsumer pollingConsumer = endpoint.createPollingConsumer();
            Exchange exchangeToSkip;
            while ((exchangeToSkip = pollingConsumer.receiveNoWait()) != null) {
                log.debug("Skipped side effect exchange: {}", exchangeToSkip);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            log.debug("Exception while receive exchange to skip: " + exception);

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