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How to handle back navigation with Jetpack Compose + Navigation (without fragments)

I am trying to navigate lets say from onboarding to dashboard and beyond and pop the onboarding once user hits dashboard, but still with 'back action' I end up on onboarding again.

Here is the sample code:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {
fun MainUI() {
    val navController = rememberNavController()

        navController = navController,
        startDestination = "onboarding"
    ) {
        composable("onboarding") {
            Column {
                Text("I am on onboarding")
                Button(onClick = {
                    navController.navigate("dashboard") {
                        popUpTo("dashboard") // I want to get rid of onboarding here
                }) {
                    Text("go to dashboard")
        composable("dashboard") {
            Column {
                Text("I am on dashboard")
                Button(onClick = {
                }) {
                    Text("go to detail")
        composable("detail") {
            Text("I am on detail")

This doesn't work either

navController.navigate("dashboard") {
    popUpTo("dashboard") {
            inclusive = true // no difference

// ....

    popUpTo("onboarding") // also nothing

// ....

    popUpTo("onboarding") {
            inclusive = true // this crashes -> NavGraph cannot be cast to ComposeNavigator$Destination


For some reason this kind of works, so dashboard is dismissed and from detail I end up on onboarding

navController.navigate("detail") {
     popUpTo("dashboard") {
            inclusive = true

You can use BackHandler Link :

    fun TestScreen() {
        BackHandler {
             // code
            // example - activity.finish()

Well, I've found working solution myself, still not sure if this "boilerplate code" is needed :( But this works as intended, means "page" is dismissed once navigated from it.

        navController = navController,
        startDestination = "onboarding"
    ) {
            startDestination = "onboardingUI",
            route = "onboarding"
        ) {
            composable("onboardingUI") {
                Column {
                    Text("I am on onboarding")
                    Button(onClick = {
                    }) {
                        Text("go to dashboard")
        navigation(startDestination = "dashboardUI", route = "dashboard") {
            composable("dashboardUI") {
                Column {
                    Text("I am on dashboard")
                    Button(onClick = {
                    }) {
                        Text("go to detail")
        navigation(startDestination = "detailUI", route = "detail") {
            composable("detailUI") {
                Text("I am on detail")

NOTE: route and startDestination AKA name of the composable cannot be same



As @James Christian Kaguo already said navController.popBackStack() is an option. But you have to be careful when using this method. For some Reason the size of the BackQueue is at least 2 and if popping the backstack lower than that, navigation does not seem to work anymore.

Therefore I wrote following simple extension function:

fun NavController.navigateBack() {
    if (backQueue.size > 2) {

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