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Django Dynamic Setting : access DEBUG from admin page

I Use django 3.2 I need to change DEBUG option from admin page to do that I install Django-constance

I add these in setting.py:

from constance import config

    'DEBUG':(True,'Debug mode'),
    # answer_the_question()

and this signal in models.py

def constance_updated(sender, key, old_value, new_value, **kwargs):
    print(sender, 'DEBUG', old_value, new_value)

but its not work

Did you add: 'constance' in INSTALLED_APPS at settings.py?

you also needs to ou a new value like

    'DEBUG':(True, False)

Try that! or if you wanna describe with a string you need a use a tuple:

    'DEBUG':((True, 'DEBUG MODE'), (False,'UNDEBUG MODE'))

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