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SQLite replace a row in one database from a row in another database

I have two database files each with a common single table makeup. I'd like to replace an entire table row in the first database with the similar row from the second database when a column in the second database has a flag set. I know how to Attach one database to another but I can't figure out the proper UPDATE SET instruction. I'm looking for string instruction to pass in a kotlin based android studio android.database.sqlite execSQL call.

For example: The table in each database has five columns named - name,address,date,value,flag I open the main database ( main.db ) and call ATTACH DATABASE to attach secondary database ( secondary.db ) as 'db2' I then want to find a row in the main database that matches a row in the secondary database where the name and address fields match and the flag field in the secondary database contains a value of 1.
I then want to replace the main database row with the row from the secondary database

I unsuccessfully tried variations of the following string command for execSQL:

val TABLE_NAME = "users"

val COL_NAME = "name"

val COL_ADR = "address"

val COL_DATE = "date"
val COL_VAL = "value"
val COL_FLG = "flag"

val db = this.writableDatabase

val attachDb = ("ATTACH DATABASE '$secondaryDbFile' AS 'db2'")            


I don't have a good enough grasp of SQLite to construct the proper instruction, please help.

The syntax that you use in the UPDATE statement is wrong.
You can use ROW VALUES and update only the columns date , value and flag since the other 2 columns must match.
Also use aliases for the 2 tables (like t1 and t2 ) to distinguish the columns that have the same names:

val db = this.writableDatabase
val attachDb = ("ATTACH DATABASE '$secondaryDbFile' AS db2") // no need for single quotes around db2
val updateRows = "UPDATE $TABLE_NAME AS t1 " + 
                 "SET ($COL_DATE, $COL_VAL, $COL_FLG) = " +
                 "(SELECT t2.$COL_DATE, t2.$COL_VAL, 1 FROM db2.$TABLE_NAME AS t2 WHERE (t2.$COL_NAME, t2.$COL_ADR) = (t1.$COL_NAME, t1.$COL_ADR) AND t2.$COL_FLG = 1) " +
                 "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM db2.$TABLE_NAME AS t2 WHERE (t2.$COL_NAME, t2.$COL_ADR) = (t1.$COL_NAME, t1.$COL_ADR) AND t2.$COL_FLG = 1);"

For versions of SQLite that do not allow an alias for the updated table, use this statement:

val updateRows = "UPDATE $TABLE_NAME " + 
                 "SET ($COL_DATE, $COL_VAL, $COL_FLG) = " +
                 "(SELECT t2.$COL_DATE, t2.$COL_VAL, 1 FROM db2.$TABLE_NAME AS t2 WHERE (t2.$COL_NAME, t2.$COL_ADR) = ($TABLE_NAME.$COL_NAME, $TABLE_NAME.$COL_ADR) AND t2.$COL_FLG = 1) " +

The syntax of the UPDATE statement could be simplified if the version of SQLite was 3.33.0+, but it would not work in Android which up till now, in API Level 31 supports version 3.32.2.

This is the simplified version of the UPDATE statement (for future readers):

val updateRows = "UPDATE $TABLE_NAME AS t1 " + 
                 "SET ($COL_DATE, $COL_VAL, $COL_FLG) = (t2.$COL_DATE, t2.$COL_VAL, 1) " +
                 "FROM db2.$TABLE_NAME AS t2 WHERE (t2.$COL_NAME, t2.$COL_ADR) = (t1.$COL_NAME, t1.$COL_ADR) AND t2.$COL_FLG = 1;"

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