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How to mount a FUSE-based filesystem on docker container running on AWS?

I need to mount a FUSE-based filesystem (using rclone ) on a docker container that must be executed on AWS ECS Fargate.

I have no problem running the container locally using the following command:

docker run --rm --device /dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN <IMAGE_NAME>

While on AWS ECS Fargate the docker container is not working properly because I haven't found how to set the flags --device and --cap-add when I define the task on AWS ECS. Any suggestion would be really appreciated.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a direct solution to the problem. This is the workaround that I used back then:

I switched to an ECS task of EC2 type because, how you can see in the official documentation , both the flag --device and --cap-add were and still are not available for tasks launched on Fargate.

In this way, only through the JSON definition of the task, I was able to add the flags that I needed. Here below a sample json definition that shows how to add these properties:

  ... other properties
  "containerDefinitions": [
      ... other properties
      "linuxParameters": {
        "capabilities": {
          "add": [
          "drop": null
        ... other properties
        "devices": [
            "containerPath": "/dev/fuse",
            "hostPath": "/dev/fuse",
            "permissions": null
        ... other properties
      ... other properties
  ... other properties

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