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how to customize nest.js logger

I want to remove the default log format, and use only custom log message. ::1 2021-08-10T10:29:52.000Z PUT / http 200 18 3000 27ms I need help creating custom logger and below is the codes I have so far. it logs with default log format [Nest] 28869 - 2021. 08. 10 10:23:03AM LOG ${custom log message}

 @Injectable() export class LoggingInterceptor implements NestInterceptor { intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next) { const now = Date.now(); const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest(); const method = req.method; const url = req.url; return next.handle().pipe( tap(() => { const res = context.switchToHttp().getResponse(); const delay = Date.now() - now; Logger.log( `${req.ip} ${new Date()} ${method} ${url} ${req.protocol} ${res.statusCode} ${ req.headers['content-length'] || '0' } ${req.headers.host.split(':')[1]} ${delay}ms`, ); }), ); } }

Thank you in advance!

You can do this by overwriting the default logger and using that logger when the app bootstrap in main.ts.

Your custom logger is something like this.

import { LoggerService } from '@nestjs/common';

export class CustomLogger implements LoggerService {
   * Write a 'log' level log.
  log(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) {

   * Write an 'error' level log.
  error(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) {}

   * Write a 'warn' level log.
  warn(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) {}

   * Write a 'debug' level log.
  debug?(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) {}

   * Write a 'verbose' level log.
  verbose?(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) {}

Then create a module and provide the customer logger to that module. And make it global so you can use it anywhere on your code.

import { Module, Global } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CustomLogger } from './logger.service';
import { LoggingInterceptor } from './logging.interceptor';

  providers: [CustomLogger, LoggingInterceptor],
  exports: [CustomLogger],
export class LoggerModule {

Register LoggerMoudle in your AppModule. Add customer logger to your main.ts.

import { CustomLogger } from './logger/logger.service';
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {
    bufferLogs: true,
  await app.listen(PORT)

Then you can inject the customeLogger service into the Logging interceptor and your work is done.

import { CustomLogger } from './logger.service';

export class LoggingInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {
  constructor(private customLogger: CustomLogger) {}
  intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next) {
    const now = Date.now();
    const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const method = req.method;
    const url = req.url;

    return next.handle().pipe(
      tap(() => {
        const res = context.switchToHttp().getResponse();
        const delay = Date.now() - now;
          `${req.ip} ${new Date()} ${method} ${url} ${req.protocol} ${res.statusCode} ${
            req.headers['content-length'] || '0'
          } ${req.headers.host.split(':')[1]} ${delay}ms`,

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