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How can i store for loop print value in variable or list

I am actually new to python and just started learning it i am working with an module which is based on Pokeapi and its name is Pokebase which is basically a python wrapper for that api so I am having a problem with it: Here's a for loop in which I print some data recieved by the api. Code:

import pokebase as pb
for stat in p1.stats:
    print('{}: {}'.format(stat.stat.name, stat.base_stat))

actually I dont want to print this value I want to save this value in a variable or list how can i do that?

If you want to save it in a list:

[[stat.stat.name, stat.base_stat] for stat in p1.stats]

This is called alist comprehension .

If you want to use a dictionary:

{stat.stat.name: stat.base_stat for stat in p1.stats}

This should do it!

import pokebase as pb
names = []
base_stats = []
for stat in p1.stats:
    #print('{}: {}'.format(stat.stat.name, stat.base_stat))

This should do the trick.

import pokebase as pb
p1 = pb.pokemon('charmander')

stats = []
for stat in p1.stats:
   stats.append( '{}: {}'.format(stat.stat.name, stat.base_stat) )

Something like this, I guess:

stat_str = ""
for stat in p1.stats:
    stat_str += f"{stat.stat.name}: {stat.base_stat}\n"

I'm a Python Noob and there is undoubtedly a better solution but this works:

import pokebase as pb

p1 = pb.pokemon('charmander')

p1Dictionary = {}

for stat in p1.stats:
    p1Dictionary.update({stat.stat.name : stat.base_stat}) 
for key, value in p1Dictionary.items():
    print(key, value)

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