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How to combine all xlsx files in a directory into a single xlsx file using R?

I have a directory with three xlsx files:

my_path <- c('Path/To/My/Stuff')

And each of the files has a name like this: my-file_1.xlsx , my-file_2.xlsx , my-file_3.xlsx

I want to combine these three files into a new xlsx workbook where each sheet contains all the data for one of these standalone files, and is also named after the standalone file (but only the file_N ending piece.

For example, the master workbook would be called my-complete-workbook.xlsx and it would have three tabs: file_1 , file_2 , file_3 .

What's the best way to achieve this in R, ideally using the openxlsx library?

You can try this code -


# Get list of files with .xlsx extension in current directory
filenames <- list.files(my_path, pattern = '\\.xlsx$', full.names = TRUE)

# Read all files
list_data <- lapply(filenames, read.xlsx)

# Assign correct names to list
names(list_data) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(filenames))

# Write sheets
write.xlsx(list_data, 'file.xlsx')

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