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How to move figure-level matplotlib legend to axes of a seaborn displot

I am calling sns.displot to get a FacetGrid

g = sns.displot(

Similar to this question, I want to place the automatically-generated legend on one of the axes, instead of outside them as a figure-level legend: How to put the legend on first subplot of seaborn.FacetGrid?

Just calling g.fig.axes[row][col].legend() does not work:

No handles with labels found to put in legend.

So I should generate the handles and labels? I looked at how Grid.add_legend does this and it seems to be some magic that would require me knowing a lot more about how the class works to reproduce it (maybe I am wrong). There's also no _legend_data I can use to dynamically recreate the legend in the same way that the Grid.add_legend method does.

>>> g._legend_data


The "easy" (lazy?) way would be if I could somehow copy the legend instance, add that copy to the axes I want, and then call g.fig._legend.remove() (unless anyone has any better ideas)

I can't figure out how to copy the legend and then assign it to a specific Axes .

It dawned on me I could just call g.legend.set_bbox_to_anchor() as a workaround.

In this case the legend is still figure-level but it lets me get it where I want it.

@mwaskom replied with a link to this comment on a GitHub issue, that has a code snippet that does what I had in mind:

for my purposes I tweaked it like so

def move_legend(g, ax, new_loc, **kws):
    old_legend = g.legend
    handles = old_legend.legendHandles
    labels = [t.get_text() for t in old_legend.get_texts()]
    title = old_legend.get_title().get_text()
    ax.legend(handles, labels, loc=new_loc, title=title, **kws)

move_legend(g, g.fig.axes[-2], "upper right")

relevant discussion of what's going on under the hood is on that issue

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