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Flutter TextStyle (not TextTheme) difference between apply() and copyWith()

I'm creating theme for my app.

I'm confusing these 2 methods (apply, copyWith) of TextStyle. What should be used?

There're also 2 methods with the same names in TextTheme. I understand them, but can not get the idea in TextStyle.

Logic of these 2 in TextStyle is different than in TextTheme

Thank you.

When looking at the docs it shows that apply uses default values for some parameters if you don't specify them.

TextStyle apply( {Color? color, Color? backgroundColor, TextDecoration? decoration, Color? decorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double decorationThicknessFactor = 1.0, double decorationThicknessDelta = 0.0, String? fontFamily, List? fontFamilyFallback, double fontSizeFactor = 1.0, double fontSizeDelta = 0.0, int fontWeightDelta = 0, FontStyle? fontStyle, double letterSpacingFactor = 1.0, double letterSpacingDelta = 0.0, double wordSpacingFactor = 1.0, double wordSpacingDelta = 0.0, double heightFactor = 1.0, double heightDelta = 0.0, TextBaseline? textBaseline, TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, Locale? locale, List? shadows, List? fontFeatures} )


copywith does not use default values and uses (copies) the values already defined in the original TextStyle object.

TextStyle copyWith( {bool? inherit, Color? color, Color? backgroundColor, String? fontFamily, List? fontFamilyFallback, double? fontSize, FontWeight? fontWeight, FontStyle? fontStyle, double? letterSpacing, double? wordSpacing, TextBaseline? textBaseline, double? height, TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, Locale? locale, Paint? foreground, Paint? background, List? shadows, List? fontFeatures, TextDecoration? decoration, Color? decorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double? decorationThickness, String? debugLabel} )


Edit: It also seems that they have different parameters, for example apply doesn't have fontSize and fontWeight as a parameter.

apply() creates a copy of text style replacing all the specified properties in it.

copyWith()creates a copy of text style, but it only replaces the given values with new values

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