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post or put form data in mock mvc

I want to write test for a controller that only accepts form data:

    public ResponseEntity<?> signUpUser(@ModelAttribute UserModel user, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws Exception {
        return userService.signUpUser(user, response);

I used to call this method in postman like this: 在此处输入图像描述

The problem is i don't know how to exactly simulate this request.

I wrote a test but fails saying that data are not passed:

    @WithMockUser(username = "anonymousUser")
    void signUpUser() throws Exception {
        var user = new UserModel();
        MockMultipartFile file1 = new MockMultipartFile("profileFile", "hello.jpg", MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE,
                "Hello, World!".getBytes());
        MockMultipartFile file2 = new MockMultipartFile("shopFile", "hello.jpg", MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE,
                "Hello, World!".getBytes());
        user.setUserName("user n");
                .andDo(result -> {
                    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result.getResponse().getContentAsString());
                    userId = obj.getLong("id");

OK i figured out the solution. I had to use MockPart class for those parts. For PUT test I used with method to configure the request to send PUT request instead of POST request. Here are put and post examples:

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.multipart;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;

public record UserControllerTest(UserController controller,
                                 WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext,
                                 JwtUtils jwtUtils) {

    private static Long userId;
    private static MockMvc mockMvc;
    private static String signupRefreshToken;
    private static String signupAccessToken;

    public UserControllerTest {

    static void setUp() {
        Authentication authentication = Mockito.mock(Authentication.class);
        SecurityContext securityContext = Mockito.mock(SecurityContext.class);

    void setUp2() {
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();

    @WithMockUser(username = "anonymousUser")
    void signUpUser() throws Exception {
        MockMultipartFile file1 = new MockMultipartFile("profileFile", "hello.jpg", MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE,
                "Hello, World!".getBytes());
        MockMultipartFile file2 = new MockMultipartFile("shopFile", "hello.jpg", MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE,
                "Hello, World!".getBytes());
        MockPart address = new MockPart("address", "address".getBytes());
        MockPart des = new MockPart("description", "desc".getBytes());
        MockPart username = new MockPart("userName", "user n".getBytes());
        MockPart password = new MockPart("password", "pass1".getBytes());
        MockPart passwordRepeat = new MockPart("passwordRepeat", "pass1".getBytes());
        MockPart email = new MockPart("email", "email@mail.com".getBytes());
                .part(email, des, username, address, passwordRepeat, password)
                .andDo(result -> {
                    signupRefreshToken = result.getResponse().getHeader("refresh_token");
                    signupAccessToken = result.getResponse().getHeader("access_token");
                    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result.getResponse().getContentAsString());
                    userId = obj.getLong("id");

    @WithMockUser(authorities = "OP_EDIT_USER")
    void updateUser() throws Exception {
        MockPart address = new MockPart("address", "UpdatedAddress".getBytes());
        MockPart des = new MockPart("description", "UpdatedDesc".getBytes());
        MockPart username = new MockPart("userName", "UpdatedUser n".getBytes());
        MockPart id = new MockPart("id", null);

        mockMvc.perform(multipart("/api/user/update/{id}/", userId)
                .part(des, username, address, id)
                .header("refresh_token", signupRefreshToken)
                .header("access_token", signupAccessToken)
                .with(request -> {
                    return request;
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.userName").value(is("UpdatedUser n")));


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