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Prometheus alertmanager persistent storage with docker

For some reason I can't get persistent storage to work with alertmanager. This is my compose:

    image: 'my/alertmanager/prod:latest'
    restart: always
      - alertmanager-data:/alertmanager-data
      - '--config.file=/alertmanager/alertmanager-config.yml'
      - '--storage.path=/alertmanager-data'
      - 9103:9093

      external: true

I have created the volume and everything seems to initialise correctly. But after entering the machine /alertmanager-data doesn't seem to contain any DB or files. And creating new silences on the alertmanager never persist.

Moved from comment for visibility

It turns out that it actually does work, but it takes a while for it to write memory to storage. I don't remember how often it is stored but it takes some time.

Looking at this change https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/pull/2849/files It looks like it used to be persisted to disk every 15 minutes, and now that is configurable with the parameter --data.maintenance-interval since version 0.25

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