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Netflix Conductor aws integration

Please, I would like to ask some questions related to Conductor and AWS.

I'm creating a new workflow where I will have a task that will send an SQS message to a microservice. I have some doubts:

  • How to configure AWS Credential ID?
  • How to configure AWS URL? For example, for testing with localstack.
  • How do I configure Conductor Server to load contrib module via docker?
  • How do I configure my task to send an SQS message to another
    microservice? Is the example below correct?

{ "sink": "sqs:buy-queue", "asyncComplete": false }


First edit /server/src/main/resources/application.properties (around line 60). The default queue type may be set to SQS, but we must enable the queues, and establish which AWS account is to be used:

conductor.event-queues.sqs.authorized-accounts={your AWS account number}

To add your credentials, add them via terminal:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="{key_id}"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="{access_key}"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="{token_value}}"

I've written a post on how to configure Netflix Conductor to SQS queues with sample events, tasks and workflows:

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