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Dumping data to existing yaml file with yaml code inside

I'm dumping some data from an .csv file to .yml file using yaml.dump. My problem is that when i dump data to the .yml file. All the current yaml iside of it vanishes and only the new yaml from the .csv file shows.


Before I dump yaml to .yml file:

Text: 'This is some yaml'
MoreText: 'This is more yaml'

After I dump yaml (All the current yaml vanihes and only the new shows):

NewYamlFromCsvFile: 'This is new yaml'

What I want:

Text: 'This is some yaml'
MoreText: 'This is more yaml'
NewYamlFromCsvFile: 'This is new yaml'

Here's my yaml.dump code:

            df.loc[(df['NAME'] == pack)].to_dict(orient='records'), # Send keywords to the right pack, etc java keywords to java pack.

I there any way to not delete the current yaml when new yaml is dumped? Thanks!

You should open the output file in 'a' mode (append mode):

with open('output.yml', 'a') as outfile:
       yaml.dump(your_data, outfile, other_args )

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