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SWUpdate with wrong mmc device address

I use this sw-description with device="/dev/mmcblk3p1",but swupdate will download files to "/dev/mmcblk3p2".


From the documentation for the files section:

Entries in files section are managed as single files. The attributes filename and path are mandatory. Attributes device and filesystem are optional; they tell SWUpdate to mount device (of the given filesystem type, eg ext4 ) before copying filename to path .

Without device and filesystem , the filename will be copied to path in the current rootfs.

You have specified device but not filesystem , therefore SWUpdate ignores the device attribute, and copies your files to whichever filesystem is already mounted at / .

You need to specify filesystem eg ext4 .

正如@Justin 所提到的,您也必须提及文件系统,因为您更新的是文件而不是整个图像,因此 swupdate 不关心您在文件更新中更新的内容。

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