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send magic packet from windows with one click

WOL works perfectly well via the Router, but that requires logging in to the control and browse trought the menus. I want to wake up the machine with one (double) click.

I tried

Both throw Syntax Errors, wether I try them with cmd or the PowerShell.

Bash one-line command to send wake on LAN magic packet without specific tool probably works in linux, but definitely not on windows

Is there a one-liner for Windows or anything that I can put in a bash batch file that actually works?


I got the second script to run (rename to .ps1, changed execution policy in PowerShell), but not to work.

Tried https://www.itnator.net/wake-lan-script-wol/ but this throws an exception:

Send-Packet : Ausnahme beim Aufrufen von "Parse" mit 1 Argument(en):  "Die angegebene physikalische Adresse ist
In C:\wol-script.ps1:38 Zeichen:1
+ Send-Packet <mac-address>
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Send-Packet

Fehler beim Durchlaufen einer Auflistung: Die Sammlung wurde geändert. Der Enumerationsvorgang kann möglicherweise
nicht ausgeführt werden..
In C:\wol-script.ps1:29 Zeichen:3
+         $Error | Write-Error;
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Collecti...numeratorSimple:ArrayListEnumeratorSimple) [], Runt
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadEnumeration

https://www.gammadyne.com/cmdline.htm#wol works, and it´s "only" 193K (go-wol is around 5MB).
I will put a batch script around it and then I´m done.
A deep link into the router setup would be smaller, but I guess that the AVM software does not allow that.

Only wish remaining is to hibernate the machine via Magic Packet, but my NIC is probably too old for that. I think I will use PuTTY for that.

Thanks everyone for digging!

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