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Use UDF to define a dropdown list (data validation) in a cell

good afternoon. I am trying to write my function to output a list to a cell (drop-down list using data validation).

It was assumed that a list is specified where the elements are encoded according to the following structure: parent pointer | pointer to children | Item text .

At the moment, the function is only half ready and is able to read only the specified list. But already at this stage, I wanted to test it and try to add a drop-down list through the check of the cell.

It was not possible to do this directly, and I tried to add through the Named Range.

I am not asking to end the function, however, I am asking you to suggest how to make the dropdown list. Maybe my function does not return something (although it does return an array). How do I get my plan into action?

    'Definition of structure
Type Node
    Name As String
    ID As Long
    Level As Long
    ChildrenMas() As Long 'an array of links to child Nodes
    Parent As Long 'indicates a link to the parent
    ParentMarker As String  'indicates the parent symbol
    ChildrenMarker As String 'indicates the symbol that children expect for this parent
    ThisIsRoot As Boolean 'For the root - true, for the rest - false
    DeepCount As Long ' Number of offspring in all subsequent generations
    UsedInFinalTree As Boolean 'the attribute is set at the time of determining the place in the tree for the node
End Type
Type Tree
    Name As String
    ElementsCount As Long
    Levels As Long
End Type

Function MultilevelList(Range As Range, _
                                Optional Delimiter As String = "|", _
                                Optional Levell As Long = 0, _
                                Optional OutputInformation As String = "text")

    ReDim RangeAsString(1 To Range.Count) As String
    Dim RangeAsStringCount As Long
    Dim c As Range
    Dim NodesArray() As Node 'an array of tree nodes
    Dim ReturnedNodesArray() As Node 'an array of tree nodes for output
    Dim ReturnedNodesArrayNames() As String
    Dim m As Node
    Dim NewTree As Tree 'creating a tree
    Dim i, j, k, SLong As Integer
    Dim S As String
    Dim a() As String 'array to divide the string
    Dim tm, td As Boolean
    i = 1
    For Each c In Range
        RangeAsString(i) = c.Text
        i = i + 1
    Next c
    RangeAsStringCount = Range.Count
    NewTree.Name = "Tree"
    'define the length of the array as the length of the resulting Range of strings
    ReDim NodesArray(1 To UBound(RangeAsString))
    For i = 1 To UBound(NodesArray)
        NodesArray(i).ParentMarker = "_none_ParentMarker" & i
        NodesArray(i).ChildrenMarker = "_none_ChildrenMarker" & i
    Next i
    k = 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(RangeAsString)
        SLong = 0
        S = RangeAsString(i)
        For j = 1 To Len(S)
            If Delimiter = Mid(S, j, 1) Then SLong = SLong + 1
        If SLong >= 2 Then
            a = Split(S, Delimiter, 3)
            NodesArray(k).ID = k
            NodesArray(k).ParentMarker = a(0)
            NodesArray(k).ChildrenMarker = a(1)
            NodesArray(k).Name = a(2)
            If NodesArray(k).ParentMarker = "" Then
                NewTree.Levels = 1
                NewTree.ElementsCount = NewTree.ElementsCount + 1
                NodesArray(k).Level = 1
                NodesArray(k).ThisIsRoot = True
                NodesArray(k).UsedInFinalTree = True
                RangeAsString(i) = Empty
                RangeAsStringCount = RangeAsStringCount - 1
            End If
            If i + 1 <> UBound(RangeAsString) Then k = k + 1
            RangeAsString(i) = Empty
            RangeAsStringCount = RangeAsStringCount - 1
        End If
    Next i
    tm = False
    Do Until RangeAsStringCount < 1
        If tm = True Then Exit Do
        td = False
        For i = 1 To UBound(NodesArray)
            If NodesArray(i).Level = 0 Then
                For j = 1 To UBound(NodesArray)
                    If NodesArray(i).ParentMarker = NodesArray(j).ChildrenMarker And _
                      NodesArray(j).Level <> 0 Then
                        If IsNotEmptyArray(NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas) Then
                            k = UBound(NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas)
                            ReDim Preserve NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas(1 To UBound(NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas) + 1)
                            k = k + 1
                            NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas(k) = i
                            NodesArray(i).Level = NodesArray(j).Level + 1
                            NodesArray(i).UsedInFinalTree = True
                            NodesArray(i).Parent = j
                            RangeAsStringCount = RangeAsStringCount - 1
                            td = True
                            k = 0
                            ReDim Preserve NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas(1 To 1)
                            NodesArray(j).ChildrenMas(1) = i
                            NodesArray(i).Level = NodesArray(j).Level + 1
                            NodesArray(i).UsedInFinalTree = True
                            NodesArray(i).Parent = j
                            RangeAsStringCount = RangeAsStringCount - 1
                            td = True
                        End If
                        B = B
                    End If
                Next j
            End If
            Debug.Print i
            If td = False Then RangeAsStringCount = RangeAsStringCount - 1
        Next i

    ReDim ReturnedNodesArray(1 To UBound(NodesArray))
    ReDim ReturnedNodesArrayNames(1 To UBound(NodesArray))
    k = 0
    For i = 1 To UBound(NodesArray)
        If Levell = 0 Then
            If NodesArray(i).UsedInFinalTree = True Then
                k = k + 1
                ReturnedNodesArray(k) = NodesArray(i)
                ReturnedNodesArrayNames(k) = ReturnedNodesArray(k).Name
            End If
            If NodesArray(i).Level = Levell And NodesArray(i).UsedInFinalTree = True Then
                k = k + 1
                ReturnedNodesArray(k) = NodesArray(i)
                ReturnedNodesArrayNames(k) = ReturnedNodesArray(k).Name
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ReDim Preserve ReturnedNodesArray(1 To k)
    ReDim Preserve ReturnedNodesArrayNames(1 To k)
    B = UBound(RangeAsString)
    If OutputInformation = "text" Then
        MultilevelList = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ReturnedNodesArrayNames)
        'MultilevelList = ReturnedNodesArrayNames
    End If
End Function

'function to check the initialized youth of the array
Function IsNotEmptyArray(parArray As Variant) As Boolean
  On Error Resume Next
  IsNotEmptyArray = LBound(parArray) <= UBound(parArray)
End Function

Example file

In my example I am creating a simple list containing months by UDF

Option Explicit

Public Function arrValues() As Variant
Dim i As Long

Dim arr(1 To 12, 1 To 1) As Variant   'two-dimensional array to get vertical list
For i = 1 To 12
    arr(i, 1) = MonthName(i)
arrValues = arr
End Function

From what I have tested: you have to put the result on a worksheet. 在此处输入图像描述

Add a name to B2 - the name references B2 only and has to have a #-sign at the end - because this is an array formula: 在此处输入图像描述

Now you can use lstArrValues as a validation list.

It sounds, from your comments, that you're also after sub lists. If that's the case, then you might be better off with a pure VBA solution (rather than writing your array to a named range).

I'm pretty sure that ike is correct, ie you can't reference a UDF or array formula in the list parameter.

If the VBA solution interests you, then it would look something like this:

Option Explicit

Public Sub SetTopValidationList()
    Dim items As Variant
    Dim formulaText As String
    'This is your array of validation items.
    items = Array(1, 2, 3)
    'The formula parameter needs a comma separated string.
    formulaText = Join(items, ",")
    'Add the validation.
    With Sheet1.Range("B2").Validation
        .Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, xlBetween, formulaText
        .InputTitle = ""
        .ErrorTitle = ""
        .InputMessage = ""
        .ErrorMessage = ""
        .ShowInput = True
        .ShowError = True
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub SetSubValidationList(topItem As Variant)
    Dim items As Variant
    Dim formulaText As String
    If IsEmpty(topItem) Then
        With Sheet1.Range("B4")
        End With
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Select Case topItem
        Case 1: items = Array(10, 11, 12)
        Case 2: items = Array(20, 21, 22)
        Case 3: items = Array(30, 31, 32)
        Case Else: items = Empty
    End Select
    If IsEmpty(items) Then
        With Sheet1.Range("B4")
        End With
        Exit Sub
    End If
    formulaText = Join(items, ",")
    With Sheet1.Range("B4").Validation
        .Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, xlBetween, formulaText
        .InputTitle = ""
        .ErrorTitle = ""
        .InputMessage = ""
        .ErrorMessage = ""
        .ShowInput = True
        .ShowError = True
    End With
End Sub

And you'd simply trap the top level change in the code behind your worksheet, eg:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Me.Range("B2"), Target) Is Nothing Then
        SetSubValidationList Me.Range("B2").Value2
    End If
End Sub

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