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C Shell: "if: Expression Syntax"

I have to write a C Shell script for work, and I have no idea why my if statement is apparently malformed. I have something like this:

    #!/bin/csh -f
    foreach line("`cat file.txt`")
        set curr_line = `echo $line | awk '{print substr($0, 1, 20)}'`
        if ($curr_line == "string of text...") then
            echo "Success!"

Figured it out, I just needed quotes around the string variable:

if ("$curr_line" == "string of text...") then
            echo "Success!"

Same question asked in another post: if: Expression Syntax - in C Shell script

You need to wrap the commands in ' to use the result in the condition.

So this is what it should be:

if (`$curr_line == "string of text..."`) then
    echo "Success!"

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