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How can I paste multiple line command with Docker interactive mode but not evaluating?

For example I am opening an interactive command line window.

docker exec -it container rails c

When I paste a multiple-line command, it evaluate every line instead of pasting a block. How can I configure it as not to evaluate?


Ah, simple trick here: type begin + enter, paste the code, type end :


It cannot and should not be configurable. The reason is that the console cannot posisible know when you have finished typing the whole command, as the first line is a completely valid ruby statement. Things are slightly different if you adapt different coding style:


The code above will work once copied to console (but gosh, I really hate that style.) because it is clear to the interpreter that the statement is not completed yet - similarly to missing closing bracket or quote. Wrapping the code in begin / end have the same effect - it tells the interpreter that the code is not yet completed, so it awaits for the final end .

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