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React Material-Table - How can I add commas between cell that is rendered from fetched array?

I'm using Material Table for managing workstations. Some of the data I receive are arrays, they are automatically iterated and displayed in cell but without commas.

Current behavior picture

What I'm trying to achieve

I feel like overriding whole cell component is overkill and I would like to avoid modyfing fetched array. Is there is any way that I can modify that iteration done by Material Table at "MTableCell" component? Or maybe there is some smarter way of doing this?

Assuming attribs is your data as array (as shown in the picture):

const attribs = ['ATTRIBUTE1', 'ATTRIBUTE2', 'ATTRIBUTE3'];

You can use reduce to convert that to a comma-separated string:

const separated = attribs.reduce((prev, current) => `${prev},${current}`);

And then feed that into the material table cell. You can check a simple example here: https://codesandbox.io/s/basictable-material-demo-forked-19c9z?file=/demo.js

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