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How can I change the python matplotlib.pyplot legend marker into a serial number like 1,2,3 instead of shape or character?

import matplotlib.pyplot

plt.plot(x, 'r+', label='one')
plt.plot(x1, 'go--', label ='two')
plt.plot(y, 'ro', label='Three')

In the above code legend marker is 'r+', 'go--' and 'ro' but I want it to change into 1,2 and 3 as there are 3 plots.? Can anyone help me in solving this issue? Also is there any anyway it can be done without hardcoding the numbers? """ Thank you.

You could use a generator (eg, itertools.count ) and next :

import matplotlib.pyplot

x=x1=y=(0,0) # dummy data

markers = iter(['r+', 'go--', 'ro'])

plt.plot(x, next(markers), label='1')
plt.plot(x1, next(markers), label='2')
plt.plot(y, next(markers), label='3')



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