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AWS Quicksight calculated field average

Hi I am having trouble with this calculated field. I am trying to get the sum of money_val for each customerkey. Then I want to have a KPI visual to show the average money_val. I found that PRE_AGG and PRE_FILTER gave wrong values so I want to use POST_AGG_FILTER.

sumOver(sum({money_val}),[customerkey], POST_AGG_FILTER)

But when I put it in the value field well of the KPI visual, I get this:


I only have cust-amnt-total(custom) as a Value in the field well. Also, how can I get the average since the only option is Custom?

您还需要在您的油井中使用 money_val 和 customerkey 才能使视觉效果正常工作,但我不确定您要在这里实现什么

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