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Flutter BLoC variables best practice

Started recently using the BLoC approach for building apps, and one thing that is not clear is where to "keep" BLoC variables. I guess we can have these two options:

  1. Declare a variable in the BLoC class; for example in my class I can do the following:
class ModulesBloc extends Bloc<ModulesEvent, ModulesState> {
   late String myString;

And access it in my UI as follows:

  1. Keep it as a state variable; for example I can declare my state class as follows:
class ModulesState extends Equatable {
   const ModulesState({required this.myString});

   final String myString;

  List<Object> get props => [myString];

And access it in my UI as follows:

BlocBuilder<ModulesBloc, ModulesState>(
   builder: (BuildContext context, ModulesState modulesState) {

Are there any performance penalties / state stability issues with any of the above approaches?


I am not sure there is an absolute answer but I can at least give my opinion.

In bloc you have 3 objects: bloc , event , state .

The state is the mutable part while the bloc is a description of the your problem (what state s to emit for each event ). As such, an immutable variable to describe your problem should be, in my opinion, placed inside the bloc . However, anything which might change is the state of your bloc (same as the state of your widget) and should as such be stored in the state .


You want to create an app where you can set timers. In this app you can have multiple timers, each of which will be identified by a name .

In this case:

  • your state will be an object containing a double variable called timeCount , which will be incremented each seconds for example.
  • You bloc will have a final field called name which will have to be set during the creation of the stopwatch.

Interestingly enough, if you want the bloc to also handle the stopwatch creation , you will have 2 states: the first empty, the second with a name and timeCount . See how naturally name became variable and is therefore found in the state now.

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