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How to Convert MYSQL Query to Mongodb Aggregation

how to convert mysql query to mongodb aggregation

my database in mysql


i need to convert mysql to mongodb query

SELECT * FROM `auctions` WHERE ( (status!='SCHEDULED' AND status='FAILED') OR (status!='RUNNING' AND status='FAILED') ) GROUP BY auctioncode

in this query auctioncode and status are wise record needed auctioncode is multiple records. i need status='FAILED' that auctioncode status not in SCHEDULED or UNPAID

Something like below can be done pls refer here for example query: https://mongoplayground.net/p/8zHYhXvbkxs

    "$match": {
      "$or": [
          "$and": [
              status: {
                $ne: "SCHEDULED"
              status: "FAILED"
          "$and": [
              status: {
                $ne: "RUNNING"
              status: "FAILED"
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$auctioncode",
      "auctioncode": {
        "$first": "$auctioncode"
      "Details": {
        "$addToSet": "$$ROOT"

Pipeline stages: match: to filter based on your requirement: group: to do group by auctioncode

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