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Debugging in Visual Studio 2019 with different assemblyNames based on configurations

I inherited the maintenance of a fairly complex solution that changes its functionalities based on #define flags. Then those flags are set as needed in different build configurations. The code is written in C# adapted from an earlier C++ solution, and for the time being a total code rewrite is preferred but not doable.

Before I arrived, my colleagues had to manually assign the assembly name and icon in the property window of the project. Since I am lazy and prefer to do as little dumb work as possible, I just defined the various names based on the active configuiration in the.vcproj file, something like this:

    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">DevelopmentManager</AssemblyName>
    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">DevelopmentManager</AssemblyName>
    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Service Release'">ServiceManager</AssemblyName>
    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Service Debug'">ServiceManager</AssemblyName>
    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'SERVICE_LIGHT DEBUG'">ServiceLoader</AssemblyName>
    <AssemblyName Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Service Light Release'">ServiceLoader</AssemblyName>

(the icons follow the same logic).

Everything works as intended, and each configuration is built with its own specific name, but I have still an issue:

in the vcproj i didn't set a generic assembly name nor an icon, assuming that it would pick the correct one as needed, but then when I try to debug the application sometimes VS2019 try to get the wrong filename. Ie if I am debugging the Service Debug config that should build into ServiceManager.exe VS instead looks for DevelopmentManager.exe (or another one, that's not the point. I presume it somehow takes the last built or something like that), and if I go to the properties windows I can see that the assembly name is indeed DevelopmentManager.

So, in a few word, how can I tell to visual studio "Please debug my application with the correct assembly name" without having to manually change it in the project file property window?

Currently the solution is the one posted by Hans Passant: select the desired configuration, close and restart VS2019 and everything works.

I don't have a VS2022 installation available, so I don't know if this still applies to the new version.

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