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Paste DataGridView cells to Excel spreadsheet

I'm trying to find a quicker way to paste the values of the DataGridView cells to an Excel spreadsheet. The code below works but it's really slow as it loops through each cell. Hoping someone please help with speeding this up.

Thanks in advance.

          For i = 0 To PartsDataGridView.RowCount - 1
                If PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value = "Positive" Then

                    lr3 = WS.Range("A" & WS.Rows.Count).End(Excel.XlDirection.xlUp).Row + 1

                    With WS
                        .Range("A" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value
                        .Range("B" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value
                        .Range("C" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value
                        .Range("D" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value
                        .Range("E" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value
                        .Range("F" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(6).Value
                        .Range("G" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value
                        .Range("H" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(8).Value
                        .Range("I" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(9).Value
                        .Range("J" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(10).Value
                        .Range("K" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(11).Value
                        .Range("L" & lr3).Value = PartsDataGridView.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value
                    End With

                End If

If I am not mistaken you can paste arrays into Excel Interop Ranges.

I used something like this:

In this case array is two dimensional array of your data

Worksheet.Range("A2:T" + array.GetLength(0).ToString).Value2 = array

This increased my speed but I was working with thousands of Rows, I am not sure by how much this will increase your code

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