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How to call real methods of jpa repository in Junit5 mockito test cases for springboot services

I have below repository interface which is getting used in my service class.

public interface InventoryRepository extends JpaRepository<Inventory, Integer> {    
        Inventory findByInventoryIdAndCompanyId(Integer inventoryId, Integer companyId);   

In My service test class, I have these two dependencies

 InventoryService inventoryService;
 InventoryRepository inventoryRepository;

Also, Below is my test method in the same class

 public void getInventoryByIdTest() {
        Assertions.assertEquals(16591,inventoryService.getInventoryById(16591 , 1).getInventoryId());

I am trying to write a test case for a service and this service internally calls the JPA repository method to get the data from DB. I want to invoke the real method of the JPA repository and I want to get the real db result instead of mocking it. But it is not working and throwing the below error.

Cannot call abstract real method on java object!
Calling real methods is only possible when mocking non abstract method.
//correct example:

Is there any possible way to work it out?

Let's try to replace the interface InventoryService with its implementation in your junit and use @Spy instead of @Mock .


Your test is an integration test, not an unit test. You are testing that your application comunicates without any problems with your database; unfortunately this type of test requires many resources and too much time (let's immagine having handreds of test and each of this open a connection to the database). The unit tests are useful in order to verify the buisness logic of your application and, since they don't require a lot of resources and if they do we can use mock interfaces or services or whatever, they should take less then one second per test.

I suggest you to read this of article of Martin Flower

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