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How do I get the same screen arrangement that windows Display has in C#?

I'm trying the following code:

foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens)
    // For each screen, add the screen properties to a list box.
    Console.WriteLine("Device Name: " + screen.DeviceName);
    Console.WriteLine("Bounds: " + screen.Bounds.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Working Area: " + screen.WorkingArea.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Primary Screen: " + screen.Primary.ToString());

And I get this:

Device Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=3840,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}
Working Area: {X=3840,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2120}
Primary Screen: False
Device Name: \\.\DISPLAY2
Bounds: {X=-3840,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}
Working Area: {X=-3840,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2120}
Primary Screen: False
Device Name: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}
Working Area: {X=0,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2120}
Primary Screen: True

Which is cool, but the values don't seem to match. This is my current arrangement. Notice that Display 2 is the primary monitor. However, the C# code shows Display 3 as primary, which is wrong.


I assume there must be a bug in the Screen class (using .NET 4.8, Windows 10), so what is a better way to get the screen position, bounds, arrangement and primary/secondary just like the Display panel does?

Any ideas welcome, thanks!

WorkingArea X and Y give you the monitor coordinates and then with a little two-dimensional cartesian plane calculation you can figure monitor positions.

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