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Teams: How to open Task Module from Adaptive Card in desktop app

I am sending an adaptive card to teams with the bot framework. That is working fine. The card should contain an action that opens a task module like explained here .

My code for the card looks like this:

AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion(1, 3))
            Body = new List<AdaptiveElement>() {
                new AdaptiveTextBlock() {
                    Wrap = true,
                    Text = "test",
                    IsSubtle = false,
                    Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Large,
                    Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder
            Actions = new List<AdaptiveAction>() {
                new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
                    Title = "In Teams",
                    DataJson = $"{{\"msteams\":{{\"type\":\"task/fetch\"}},\"Url\":\"{url}\",\"Title\": \"{title}\"}}"

The card is showing in teams, but the button is not working in the desktop client. It is just showing this message in red:

Something went wrong. Please try again.

In the web version the task module is just opening fine. Do I have to change something for the desktop version of teams? Tried to change my code a bit like in this example but that isn't working either.

Update : So I tried the example and it did work one time. After that I had the same error message and no task module is showing. But when I pop out the App in a new window, everything is working fine. So it looks to me like a bug in teams.

This might relate to how the platform is reading your json - the "" characters for example might not be handled properly on the desktop. To solve this, rather leave the json conversion up to the platform and, for your example in C#, create a strong type instead. The example you link to does exactly that - see this line:

new TaskModuleAction(cardType.ButtonTitle, new CardTaskFetchValue<string>() { Data = cardType.Id }

inside https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/blob/448c5535cb6d6be8d7a61f78ef1902b55c1f0edb/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/54.teams-task-module/Bots/TeamsTaskModuleBot.cs , which is referencing this class: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/blob/901bc140f5aa300fbfa852e64afd7c65fceebff9/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/54.teams-task-module/Models/AdaptiveCardTaskFetchValue.cs

I had the same problem with the message “Something went wrong. Try again.", when called Task Module from adaptive card. I installed the bot through a local upload of the manifest, but then I found out that it was also added to the list of applications for our organization, and apparently there was some kind of collision between them. After I uninstalled the application from my desktop Teams and installed it from the application pool - the error disappeared.

We are not able to repro your issue. We have tested it in Microsoft Teams Version (64-bit) and it's working fine (Opening Task Module on "In Teams" button click). Could you please try updating your Teams and check it once.

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