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AWS Cognito AdminLinkProviderForUser tries to update immutable user attribute

I would like to link new user who is using SSO with the existing cognito user. In order to achieve this, cognito has AdminLinkProviderForUser endpoint. But this endpoint returns error below and I cannot change the user attribute configuration since Cognito does not allow me.

Cannot update attribute: custom:someCustomAttribute: Attribute cannot be updated.
 (Service: AWSCognitoIdentityProvider; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterException; Request ID: Xxxxxxxxxx; Proxy: null):
com.amazonaws.services.cognitoidp.model.InvalidParameterException: Cannot update attribute: custom:someCustomAttribute: Attribute cannot be updated.

Is there any other way to link SAML based federated SSO user with the existing cognito (username-password) user?

Thanks a lot!

我已经就此与 AWS 联系过,如果您创建了一个不可变的用户属性,显然没有回滚,因此我们最终将重新创建用户以链接它们。

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