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How to I resolve "expected command" in NetLogo?

I'm trying to get turtles in Netlogo to "stay put" for 20 clicks, before moving on (just going forward), but I keep getting "expected command" errors. Any idea where my bracketing is incorrect?


to solar-battery  ;; trying to ask turtles to move forward after being stationary for 20 
ask turtles [
[ifelse (patch-here = destination)                                   
if (ticks - ticks-since-here > ticks-to-stay-on-patch patch-here) 
set ticks-since-here 20
set destination one-of patch]]]
[face destination
forward 1
if [patch-here = destination]
[set ticks-since-here ticks]]]

Since comments don't allow newlines and indenting... here's a sample of code formatting.

to do-stuff
  ask turtles with [ pxcor > 0 ] ;; this is fine.
  [ ;; open of code block
    jump 1
    if (pcolor = white)
    [ ;; open code block
      rt 90 jump 1
    ] ;; close block
  ] ;; close block

One place where other arrangements of brackets HELP rather than confuse is when simulating a SWITCH structure:

When doing a switch, keep the conditions and actions VERY SHORT. If they are long, wrap the conditions in a reporter. Likewise, wrap the action in a procedure, unless it is VERY SHORT.

if-else (condition1) [ action 1 ][
if-else (condition2) [ action 2 ][
if-else (condition3) [ action 3 ][
if-else (condition4) [ action 4 ][
]]]] ;; one close bracket for each condition.

This format makes it VERY easy to add, remove, or re-order conditions, without having to mess with moving brackets, changing indents, or mismatching brackets.

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