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How to Import JSON file in ES5?

I have JSON file name data.json having data as


and I have one ES5 file name script.js in which I want to use this JSON file and the task is to import the file and store the data in the init function in the ES5 class. I have tried

var data = require('./data.json') It gives me

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

Referring to the comments on this post;

You are currently running your snippet in the browser and using CommonJS imports. Browsers use ES6 imports:

import * as data from "./data.json"

For further references: MDN on modules: here

Freecodebootcamp: here

You need to make your data.json file like this


and import the data.json file into the index.html so that data.json stay upper then script.js

    <script type="text/javascript" src="data.json"></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

now you can use data as a variable in the script.js

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