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Remove listener on click in tauri_hotkey

Add a keyboard key listener and when that key is pressed I want to remove that listener, i use this crates

Adding listener works fine

use tauri_hotkey;

fn main() {
    let mut hotkey = tauri_hotkey::HotkeyManager::new();
    let key = tauri_hotkey::Hotkey {
        keys: vec![tauri_hotkey::Key::A],
        modifiers: vec![],
        .register(key, || {
            println!("You pressed A",);

    loop {} // infinate loop for prevent main from existing

Remove the listener when clicking the key

        .register(key, || { 

it gave a compile error says

cannot borrow `hotkey` as mutable more than once at a time
second mutable borrow occurs hererustc(E0499)
main.rs(29, 5): second mutable borrow occurs here
main.rs(30, 24): first mutable borrow occurs here
main.rs(32, 14): first borrow occurs due to use of `hotkey`

Is there any way to fix this, access hotkey inside the closure ?

The register signature won't allow yourself to change "hotkey" even. First by "&mut self" constraint and second by the callback that's should be 'static

  pub fn register<F>(&mut self, hotkey: Hotkey, callback: F) -> Result<()>
    F: 'static + FnMut() + Send

An approach could be something like this

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tauri_hotkey;

fn main() {
    let mut hotkey = tauri_hotkey::HotkeyManager::new();

    let key = tauri_hotkey::Hotkey {
        keys: vec![tauri_hotkey::Key::A],
        modifiers: vec![],

    let is_pressed = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
    let is_p = Arc::clone(&is_pressed);
        .register(key.clone(), move || {
            let mut is_p = is_p.lock().unwrap();
            *is_p = true;

    loop {
        let pressed = Arc::clone(&is_pressed);
        let mut pressed = pressed.lock().unwrap();

        if *pressed {
            *pressed = false;
    } // infinate loop for prevent main from existing

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