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Ironsource Banner Only Showing In main Activity and in other activities after implementation not showing

I have Implemented Ironsouce banner in all activity with below method but its only work in main activity and in other activities show error message

API: Multiple calls to init without ad units are not allowed API: L a - can't load banner - loadBanner already called and still in progress API: L a - can't load banner - loadBanner already called and still in progress

    IronSource.init(this, "APP_ID");
    final FrameLayout bannerContainer = findViewById(R.id.adview);
    IronSourceBannerLayout bannerLayout = IronSource.createBanner(this, ISBannerSize.SMART);
    IronSource.loadBanner(bannerLayout, (String) "DefaultBanner");
    FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,



    IronSource.setInterstitialListener(new InterstitialListener() {
        public void onInterstitialAdReady() {

        public void onInterstitialAdLoadFailed(IronSourceError ironSourceError) {


        public void onInterstitialAdOpened() {


        public void onInterstitialAdClosed() {


        public void onInterstitialAdShowSucceeded() {


        public void onInterstitialAdShowFailed(IronSourceError ironSourceError) {


        public void onInterstitialAdClicked() {


If you are moving back and forth form one activity to another than you have to destroy the banner, always destroy banner before loading a new banner,

so while going form activity A to B destroy banner in A than go to B and load the in B.


and while coming back form B to A than also destroy in B and again reload the banner in A

you can use onBackPressed to destroy the banner

    public void onBackPressed() {

If there is a backbutton on nav bar

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        if (item.getItemId() == android.R.id.home) {
            return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

this may vary in your case android.R.id.home

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