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Const array and pointer to const

I just had a strange error on an old compiler (ColdFire 5703 MCCCF) and I want to confirm I understood correctly the C standard relative to pointer to const and const arrays (let's say in C99 even if this compiler is older).

Say I have this function:

void func(const unsigned char *cst_ptr);

and the array:

const unsigned char array[xx] = {...};

So array is an array where every element is const .

Then if I do:


then array is equivalent to &array[0] so the object passed in parameter is of type const unsigned char * hence the prototype of the function is respected.

Is it correct ?

const unsigned char *cst_ptr it is not a const pointer only the pointer to const unsigned char .

When you use the array as a parameter of the function, the array decays to a pointer to fist element of the array. If the array was declared as having const unsigned char elements it will match your function declaration.


The const pointer is declared another way:

unsigned char * const const_ptr;

if you want const pointer to const data:

const unsigned char * const const_ptr;

Yes, you are right, the type of the object passed as a parameter is const char * , because the whole var type is conserned by the const . so you gonna have something like cst_ptr = {[B][o][o][M][!]} that can't be changed by the futur. Hope this answers your question.

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