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Use an existing microservice architecture with kubernetes

I've an existing microservice architecture that uses Netflix Eureka and zuul services,

I've deployed a pod that successfully registers on the discover server but when I hit the API it gives a timeout, what I can think is that while registering on the Discovery server the container IP is given because of which it is not accessible.

Is there a way to either map the correct address or redirect the call to the proper URL looking for a easy way, as this needs to be done on multiple services

I think you should be rethinking your design in Kubernetes way! Your Eureka(service discovery), Zuul server (API gateway/ Loadbalancer) are really extra services that you really don't need in the Kubernetes platform.

For Service discovery and load-balancing, you can use Services in Kubernetes. From Kubernetes documentation:

An abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service. With Kubernetes, you don't need to modify your application to use an unfamiliar service discovery mechanism. Kubernetes gives Pods their own IP addresses and a single DNS name for a set of Pods and can load-balance across them.

And for API gateway, you can think about Ingress in Kubernetes. There are different implementations for Ingress Controllers for Kubernetes. I'm using Ambassador API gateway implementation.


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