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Sorting Js Array according to pre-defined array of indexes

hope you can help me fix this.

So I have one array with nested arrays:

mainArr: [[Carl, 20, Male],[Mike, 30, Male], [Chloe, 45, Female], ...]

Now this array needs to be sorted along another array containing a set order of indexes from the array above.

indexArr: [2,1,3,...]

Result here being:

sortedArr: [[Mike, 30, Male], [Carl, 20, Male], [Chloe, 45, Female], ...]

I thought about writing a ForEach loop with the second array, something along the lines of:


But I'm trying to avoid using loops with this function to keep it fast. I couldn't find anything relevant to my problem in any array documentation. Do you know a way to fill sortedArr or sort mainArr efficiently?

    indexArr.map(ind => mainArr[ind - 1])

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