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BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a "BlocName"

I have an issue when using MultiBlocProvider , and passing the blocContext through the widgets. I have in ShopScreen a MultiBlocProvider, and inside it a filter button, which shows a categories list from a ModalBottomSheet. like this:


I have to update the shop screen when I choose a different category from the list. So, I have this BlocConsumer wrapped with the Filter Button, and I have to pass the context to the modalBottomSheet, so I used BlocProvider.value -which show me this error when I press on the filter button- 错误 :

My Multi Bloc Provider:

      providers: [
        BlocProvider<ProductsBloc>(create: (_) => productBloc),
        BlocProvider<CategoryBloc>(create: (_) => CategoryBloc()),
            create: (_) => BannerBloc()..add(ShowBannerEvent())),

The FilterButton

 BlocConsumer<CategoryBloc, CategoryStates>(
                    builder: (context, cateState) {
                      return InkWell(
                        onTap: () {
                              context: context,
                              builder: (context) => BlocProvider.value(
                                  child: CategoryBottomSheet()),
                              isScrollControlled: true);
                        child: SizedBox(
                          height: 50.h,
                          width: 50.w,
                          child: SvgPicture.asset(
                            'assets/fillter_button.svg', ),),);
                    listener: (context, cateState) {
                      if (cateState is CategorySelectedState)
                        widget.categoryId = cateState.categoryId;

Is there something missing?

If you want to access a bloc, you should use context.read<CategoryBloc>() .

So for example:


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