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Getting NaN when Dividing Aligned DataFrame Columns

I have a dataframe of the form:

            A             B               C
Cat-1    798.26        456.65          187.56
Cat-2 165165.53      45450.00         4897.57
Cat-3 488565.65      15198.56        15654.65
Cat-4      0.00      54256.35        49878.65
Cat-5   1156.61        789.05        89789.54
Cat-6      0.00       1644.78         6876.15

I am attempting to get a percentage by dividing B by A. To achieve this I used the following:

if_condition = df['A'] != 0
then = (1 - df['B'].div(df['A']))
else_= 0
df['New Col'] = np.where(if_condition, then, else_)

I expected the following result:

            A             B               C       New Col
Cat-1    798.26        456.65          187.56        .5720
Cat-2 165165.53      45450.00         4897.57        .2751 
Cat-3 488565.65      15198.56        15654.65        .0311
Cat-4      0.00      54256.35        49878.65        0
Cat-5   1156.61        789.05        89789.54        .6822
Cat-6      0.00       1644.78         6876.15        0

However, I got the following result:

            A             B               C        New Col
Cat-1    798.26        456.65          187.56        NaN
Cat-2 165165.53      45450.00         4897.57        0.2751 
Cat-3 488565.65      15198.56        15654.65        0.0311
Cat-4      0.00      54256.35        49878.65        0
Cat-5   1156.61        789.05        89789.54        NaN
Cat-6      0.00       1644.78         6876.15        0

I have tried some other solutions which involved the alignment of the two columns, however that did not alter the end result. What could potentially generate these NaN values?

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("""            A             B               C
Cat-1    798.26        456.65          187.56
Cat-2     165165.53      45450.00         4897.57
Cat-3     488565.65      15198.56        15654.65
Cat-4      0.00      54256.35        49878.65
Cat-5   1156.61        789.05        89789.54
Cat-6      0.00       1644.78         6876.15"""), sep="\s\s+", engine="python")


# output
               A         B         C
Cat-1     798.26    456.65    187.56
Cat-2  165165.53  45450.00   4897.57
Cat-3  488565.65  15198.56  15654.65
Cat-4       0.00  54256.35  49878.65
Cat-5    1156.61    789.05  89789.54
Cat-6       0.00   1644.78   6876.15

if_condition = df['A'] != 0
then = (1 - df['B'].div(df['A']))
else_= 0
df['New Col'] = np.where(if_condition, then, else_)

# output
               A         B         C   New Col
Cat-1     798.26    456.65    187.56  0.427943
Cat-2  165165.53  45450.00   4897.57  0.724822
Cat-3  488565.65  15198.56  15654.65  0.968891
Cat-4       0.00  54256.35  49878.65  0.000000
Cat-5    1156.61    789.05  89789.54  0.317791
Cat-6       0.00   1644.78   6876.15  0.000000

Seems to be correct. I use pandas version '1.2.5'

Also you could do this "if else" condition a bit easier:

df["New col"] = df.apply(lambda x: 1 - x["B"] / x["A"] if x["A"] != 0 else 0, axis=1)

You don't need a condition, replace -np.inf by 0:

# df['New Col'] = (1 - df['B'] / df['A']).replace(-np.inf, 0)
df['New Col'] = ((1 - df['B'] / df['A']) * 100).round(2).replace(-np.inf, 0)

# Output:
               A         B         C  New Col
Cat-1     798.26    456.65    187.56    42.79
Cat-2  165165.53  45450.00   4897.57    72.48
Cat-3  488565.65  15198.56  15654.65    96.89
Cat-4       0.00  54256.35  49878.65     0.00
Cat-5    1156.61    789.05  89789.54    31.78
Cat-6       0.00   1644.78   6876.15     0.00

I was able to resolve this issue, by simply not diving by 0 and then replacing the NaN values with 0. It produced the anticipated result:

df['New Col'] = (1 - df['B']/df['A'][df['A'] != 0]).fillna(0)

I basically was able to divide everything but 0, and the remaining NaN values are a result of not dividing 0 and can thus be replaced by 0.

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