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Pause message consumption from main kafka stream and start from other kafka topic

I am using @StreamListener (spring cloud stream) to consume messages from a topic ( input-channel ), do some processing and save into some cache or database.

My requirement is, if DB goes down while processing the consumed message, I want to pause the main consumer(input-channel), and start consuming from another TOPIC (INPUT56-CHANNEL), and as soon as It consume all the message (doesn't have many) from INPUT56-CHANNEL, I want to resume the main consumer (input-channel) again.

Can that be achieved??

@StreamListener is deprecated; you should convert to the functional programming model instead.

Here is an example using that model (but the same techniques apply to the deprecated listeners).



public class So69726610Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(So69726610Application.class, args);

    boolean dbIsDown = true;

    BindingsLifecycleController controller;

    TaskExecutor exec = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();

    public Consumer<String> input1() {
        return str -> {
            if (this.dbIsDown) {
                this.controller.changeState("input1-in-0", State.PAUSED);
                this.controller.changeState("input2-in-0", State.STARTED);
                throw new RuntimeException("Paused");

    public Consumer<String> input2() {
        return System.out::println;

    public void idle(ListenerContainerIdleEvent event) {
        // assumes concurrency = 1 (default)
        if (event.getListenerId().contains("input2-in-0")) {
            this.controller.changeState("input1-in-0", State.RESUMED);
            this.exec.execute(() -> this.controller.changeState("input2-in-0", State.STOPPED));


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