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How to make a bot edit its message in discord.py?

I've tried looking at other solutions but they havent worked for me. What im trying to do is make the bot edit its own message at a slight delay.

  if message.content.startswith('(dev)messageedit'):
    await message.channel.send('old message')
    await message.edit('new message')

The error im getting is:

TypeError: edit() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

It would be great if you could help me!

If you take a look at the docs, you'll see that you need to specify what you are editing in the message. In your case that would be the content .


await message.edit(content='new message')

I am not sure from your question if you want to edit the message you send first with old_message , but if you do, you would also need to define it first:

old_message = await message.channel.send('old message')

await old_message.edit(content='new message')

Also, sidenote, I would recommend using asyncio.sleep instead of time.sleep , since time.sleep is blocking your bot from doing other things.

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