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WCF - Is GetCallbackChannel reliable?

In the part " Figure 5 Storing the Callback References for Later Use " of this tutorial , it's clear that the service would need to keep the manual cache list synchronized reflecting the connected clients only to prevent exceptions caused by the reference to old clients that got disconnected. But, if I don't plan to use such a cache mechanism (for which I don't see any need at all) and I directly access GetCallbackChannel<T> instead to perform event calls to the client, is it guaranteed that the internal list will only contain all connected clients and would never throw a corresponding CommunicationException when calling a contained event?

Sorry, I hadn't read here where it says:

Gets a channel to the client instance that called the current operation.

This immediately causes the " Figure 5 Storing the Callback References for Later Use " part of the first tutorial to make sense now, as we'll call the clients (supporting multiple in fact) in another thread (so deferred to their requests). I thought GetCallbackChannel simply represented the whole acknowledged callbacks (one per client) at any point of the service execution.

I understand then I'll naturally have to catch exceptions such as CommunicationException once I mimic that caching list approach (or simply Exception only).

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