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ErrorDocument redirect in .htaccess when placed in subfolder

My development server (localhost) is setup so that each website is in it's own sub-folder, like so:


Each sub-folder (Site1, Site2 etc) has it's own .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 404 /alert.php?error=404
ErrorDocument 403 /alert.php?error=403
ErrorDocument 401 /alert.php?error=401

This works absolutely fine when on the live server (as it's then located in the website root location), however, in my localhost development environment, I have to update the htacess to:

ErrorDocument 404 /site1/alert.php?error=404

in order to make it work. This means a lot of updating the .htaccess back and forth when I want to test locally vs uploading for the live version.

Is it possible for the .htaccess to determine the correct path to use based on the host enovirnoment?

You could calculate the "base directory" (the directory in which the .htaccess file is located relative to the document root) using mod_rewrite and use this in the ErrorDocument directive with the help of an Apache expression (requires Apache 2.4.13).

For example:

# Calculate the BASE_DIR based on the location of the .htaccess file (rel to DocumentRoot)
# For use in the ErrorDocument directive the BASE_DIR does not include the slash prefix
# eg. If in the root directory then BASE_DIR = "" (empty)
#     If in /site1/.htaccess then BASE_DIR = "site1/"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}@$1 ^/(.*?)([^@]*)@\2
RewriteRule (.*) - [E=BASE_DIR:%1]

# Set ErrorDocument dynamically relative to BASE_DIR (Requires Apache 2.4.13+)
# The 2nd argument to the ErrorDocument directive must be prefixed with a slash
# in the source code itself for it to be interpreted as a local path.
ErrorDocument 404 /%{reqenv:BASE_DIR}alert.php?error=404

So, if the .htaccess file is located in the document root then the ErrorDocument is set to /alert.php?error=404 and if in the /site1 subdirectory then it's set to /site1/alert.php?error=404 .

Aside: When using PHP you don't need to explicitly pass the error code to the alert.php script, since this is available in the $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] superglobal. This also allows you to determine if the alert.php script was called directly.

HOWEVER , it would be preferable to define each site in it's own <VirtualHost> , with it's own DocumentRoot , rather than using subdirectories, and have exactly the same directory/URL structure for local development as on the live server - no messing. There are bound to be other places that are affected by the different path-depth, such as client-side links to static resources?

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