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Why can't my project in Apache Netbeans 12.5 be run using JDK 17?

I am using Apache NetBeans 12.5 with JDK 17.0.1.

When I run my project it can't be run, as you can see from this screen shot:

NetBeans 屏幕截图

How can I fix this?

One of the notifications in your screen shot ( "Install nb-javac Library" ) indicates the probable cause of your problems. To fix that you need to install the nb-javac library:

  • Select Tools > Options > Java > GUI Builder

  • Your Options window will look similar to this if the nb-javac plugin is not installed: 选项窗口

  • You don't need to do anything beyond opening that tab to provoke the NetBeans Installer to invite you to install the nb-javac plugin: 安装nbjavac

  • click Next > and complete the wizard to install the nb-javac plugin.

  • No restart of NetBeans is required to ensure that the plugin has been installed successfully. Just navigate to Tools > Plugins > Installed and check for the presence of an entry labeled " The nb-javac Java editing support library ":


  • Finally, verify that you can now run your project.

If you still have problems after installing nb-javac then click the " Unexpected Exception " entry in the Notifications window (as shown in your screen shot), and update your question with the extra details NetBeans provides.

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