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While compiling vaadin theme showing the error

Whiling compiling vaadin theme it is showing the error select a theme file (.scss) or a vaadin project to compile `@import "addons.scss"; @import "../ftpcapp/ftpcapp"; @import "../valo/valo"; @import "../ftpcapp/custom"; @import "AppTheme.scss"; @include variables($background18, $app18, black); @include settings($app18, $background18);

.ftpcapp18 {
  @include addons;
  @include valo;
  @include themeitems($app18, $button-color18);
  @include ftpcapp;
  @include AppTheme;
  @include custom;


Check that your @Theme annotation theme name matches theme folder name src/main/VAADIN/themes and that there is correctly named .scss file like in this picture. I assume (based on the error message) you are using IDE plugin instead of maven to compile the theme. So you need to have the folder / theme file selected, when you when clicking the "paint"-icon of the plugin that triggers the theme compilation.


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